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ACTRE (ASUS Certificate Training of Repair Engineer)
Handheld System Level 2 Hardware Skill Statement of Confidentiality All recipients of this document must treat this training material as ASUS confidential and must not disclose it to any party other than the recipients’ employees on a need to know

ACTRE (ASUS Certificate Training of Repair Engineer)
Handheld system training Level2 Basic Skill Statement of Confidentiality All recipients of this document must treat this training material as ASUS confidential and must not disclose it to any party other than the recipients’ employees on a need to know

ACTRE (ASUS Certificate Training of Repair Engineer)
Handheld system training Level1 Training material Statement of Confidentiality All recipients of this document must treat this training material as ASUS confidential and must not disclose it to any party other than the recipients’ employees on a need to know

Bölüm I:
Temel Bilgiler •ANAKART FORM FAKTÖRLERİ: Form Faktörlerler •Anakartın form faktör bilgisi anakartın yapısı hakkında bilgi verir. •Anakartlar için standardize edilmiş bazı form faktör standartları mevcuttur : Baby-AT, ATX, M-ATX, Flex-ATX, BTX, NLX vs. gibi. * Bu standartlar’ın bazıların kullanımı zamanla

Sephiroth Kwon GGRRMMAA 26-05-2009 AUDIO South Audio Bridge codec 5-pin serial data transaction : BIT_CLK, SYNC, RESET, SSDDAATTAA_IINN, SSDDAATTAA_OOUUTT South Bridge Audio codec Audio Bus Azalia AC’97 AUDIO(Azalia) Signals Description AUDIO(Azalia) Signals Description AUDIO(Azalia) Signals Description AUDIO(Azalia) Signals Description AUDIO(Azalia)