On general principles, circuit size laptops have similar source as shown above.
- TPS51020 is 3v3 and 5V power supply IC ago.
- IT8511 is SIO.
- A / D Dock In the power adapter plugged in
- VBAT is the battery power
- AC_BAT is feed for the whole circuit, it can be obtained from Adapter or Battery.
* Operation:
- Power levels for IC AC_BAT 3v3/5V source (pin 24 TPS51020)
- 5V self-power IC 3v3/5V (TPS51020 VREG5 22 feet) for SIO
- 3v3 SIO received from the IC’s 5VAO 3v3/5V
- SIO AC_IN detector voltage (See Adapter is used or not)
- SIO ordered 3v3 and 5v power on (en1 and EN2)
- TPS51020 create 3v3 and 5v (a branch of the 3v3 or 5v will give feed back to power SIO) remaining for the entire circuit.
- TPS51020 Power Good signal (PWRGD) on the SIO
- Click the button and wait 3v3 sources on the power button.
- When the source button click, SIO open ordered secondary sources (also known as power) as the source RAM, power chip Nam, North chip, chip VGA source
- SIO continues to open source for CPU Vcore completes the circuit size of the source.
* The order size source test circuit:
- AC_Bat sources have to be true and IC power supply 3v3/5v (TPS51020). This source is open = 1 or 2 mosfet and is pictured with charging circuit. See more battery charging circuit and open source AC_Bat.
- TPS51020 to create and have 5v (VREG5) for SIO.
- SIO to open and EN2 of TPS51020 en1 command (if lost, we can find ways to assume the command-level pressure).
- There have en1 and EN2 must have 3v3 and 5v
- OK, 3v3 and 5v pins to high PWRGD
- 3v3 and 5v pins click ok then the source must be 3v3
- When you click the source, if the other secondary sources are OK, the
entire source will run. 1 in secondary sources “problem” circuit “protection” and disconnect all sources <- like excitement off.
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