Clearing a Supervisor Password (SVP) from a TP is fairly straightforward.
Once you know how to avoid all the TRAPS IBM/Lenovo have set for you the customer.
Trap number 1, the Hard Disk Password (HDP)
If at any time you see this Password prompt icon
Disk] means the HDP is set. You will not be able to easily recover or clear the HDP, KM9 USB will NOT recover or clear HDP.It will cost you more to clear the HDP than a new Hard disk is worth.Clearing a HDP is only worth the expense and effort if there is valuable data on the Hard disk that MUST be recovered.
If HDP is set then remove the Hard Disk [HD] before continuing so that you can determine which other passwords (IF ANY) you need to recover or clear.
There may not be any other password set!
Ok, you removed the HD and you see yet another Password Prompt icon.
Trap number 2, the guessing game – is it SVP or POP –
The trap is that IBM/Lenovo in their wisdom chose to have THE SAME PASSWORD PROMPT ICON for BOTH SVP and Power on Password (POP)